
From Minecraft Parkour Wiki
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玩家的朝向是将偏航角限制为[-180°, 180°],如F3所示。

有效角,或者简单地说,角度是一个整数 (从 )。


Minecraft 的三角函数依赖于有效角,这意味着玩家的偏航角必须转换为一个角度。

这种转换会导致不精准:一个有效角跨越 ~Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/":): {\displaystyle 0.0055°} ).

Sin() and Cos() 原代码 (来自MathHelper):

private static final float[] SIN_TABLE = new float[65536];

public static float sin(float value) //in radians
    return SIN_TABLE[(int)(value * 10430.378F) & 65535];

public static float cos(float value) //in radians
    return SIN_TABLE[(int)(value * 10430.378F + 16384.0F) & 65535];

    for (int i = 0; i < 65536; ++i)
        SIN_TABLE[i] = (float)Math.sin((double)i * Math.PI * 2.0D / 65536.0D);

Note: & 65535给出除以 65536 的(正)余数() 为了将玩家的偏航转换为弧度(当调用sin和cos时),游戏使用了这两个公式:

f = this.rotationYaw * (float)Math.PI / 180.0F

////添加sprintjump boost时使用的公式
f = this.rotationYaw * 0.017453292F




(int)(value * 10430.378F)(int)(value * 10430.378F + 16384.0F) 应该相隔 16384 个单位(90°),但由于浮点不精确,某些值可能会进一步相差 1 个或更多个单位,从而导致与预期计算的轻微偏移。

两个连续的角度(30237 和 30238)和中间的正半角。

半角 就是这样的值,可以在连续角的“中间”找到(因此得名)。

半角的存在完全是由于括号内的“+ 16384”。



它对应于从 cos(f) 和 sin(f) 获得的单位向量的范数。

从数学上讲,它应该始终等于 1,但这在这种情况下并不成立。

  • “递增”半角的范数大于 1:它们会增加移动速度。
  • “递减”半角的范数小于 1:它们会降低移动速度。




On July 27th 2021, kemytz discovered that certain yaws grant more speed when using Optifine Fast Math (a feature which reduces the number of significant angles down to 4096). In fact, this is not specific to fast math, and vanilla "large half angles" were discovered soon after.

Large half angles are more effective due to the low amount of precision floats can work with at that range: instead of being shifted by a single unit, angles can be shifted by up to 64 units.

For example, the yaw 5898195° gives a multiplier of 1.003, which is huge compared to small half angles (135.0055° gives a multiplier of 1.00005). This half angle is the most effective that exists, and makes jumps such as 2.125bm 4+0.5 possible.

Reaching such high values may require using macros or mods, as turning manually would take too long.

With Fast Math, half angles are further amplified and the player is able to move while their yaw is less than , compared to in vanilla.

For example, the yaw 121000000° gives a multiplier of 1.09, which is so ludicrous it makes flat momentum 5b possible. This mechanic should not be considered official as it relies on a mod, and using this exploit is likely not authorized on servers (even if Optifine is).

New versions of Optifine changed the effect of fast math, which eliminated a lot of FM half angles (since version U L5, released in december 2019).


Decreasing half angles are abundant between -90° and 0°, because negative floats are truncated up while positive floats are truncated down.

Decreasing half angles exist rarely between 0° and 90°.

Increasing half angles exist rarely between 90° and 180°.

Large half angles are of the form , with and . They are all increasing until , at which point they may either be increasing or decreasing.