
From Minecraft Parkour Wiki

Timing is at the core of parkour: understanding how ticks work and how to use them for gaining momentum is a crucial skill.

Basic timings constitute elementary bricks for more advanced strategies, such as Backward Momentum.

Getting used to these basic timings is essential to become proficient at parkour.


Because Minecraft's phyics is tick-based, there is an inevitable amount of luck involved in timing. Most games use a similar fixed-tickrate input system, so you would experience input randomness in those too. An argument could be made that timing your inputs perfectly (in intervals of exactly 50ms) negates said randomness; while a player could certainly train their muscle memory toward that goal, they would never reach the point of being infallible.

An important strategy in parkour is to use timings that grant the most consistent results.

For example, a very simple timing for a 1bm headhitter jump is the hh timing, which only has a 1 tick opening and no failsafe. A much more consistent strategy is the pessi hh timing, which has a more lenient opening and offers enough time for recovery in case of failure.


  • t stands for tick.
  • W,A,S,D refer to the movement keys (W=Forward, A=Left, S=Backward, D=Right)

Unless mentioned otherwise, the player is assumed to be always sprinting.

Basic Timings

Name (and aliases) Description Notes
0t (jam) Hold W, Jump on the same tick. The most basic timing, used to initiate momentum.
1t (hh) Hold W, Jump one tick later. hh refers to the most common use of this timing, headhitter jumps.

This timing can be used when no momentum is given.

2t Hold W, Jump two ticks later. Used on extremely short momentums, such as a backwalled ladder.
Jump 0t

(jump jam)

Hold Jump (double tap if low ceiling)

Press and hold W when landing.

Gives the same jump distance as a regular jam timing.
Jump 1t

(jump hh, a7hh)

Hold Jump (double tap if low ceiling)

Press and hold W 1 tick before landing.

Used on X-facing neos with very little momentum given.

With no ceiling, W is pressed 11 ticks after jumping.


(fast pessi hh)

Hold Jump

Press and hold W a tick later.

Notably used for 1bm hh, can be used on short momentums.

Technically, this timing could be called "Jump 11t" if we follow

the previous definition, but that is obviously not a good notation.


(slow pessi hh)

Hold Jump

Press and hold W two ticks later.

-1t, -2t, and -3t will all clear a 1bm hh if performed

from the back, looking straight. This makes for a very

consistent strat for headhitter jumps.

Burst 0t

(burst jam, adv jam)

Hold Sneak and W

Release Sneak and press Jump on the same tick.

Sneaking on an edge does not reset the player's speed.

The jump distance increases with how long you sneak forward

(it converges very quickly)

Generally, you do not want to do this timing but rather a burst 1t.

Burst 1t

(burst hh, adv hh)

Hold Sneak and W

Release Sneak, and press Jump one tick later.

Used on the edge of a block, when no momentum is given.

You gain ~41% more momentum when sneaking with 45° strafe.

With this strat and 45°, a no-momentum 3+1 becomes possible.

1t run When landing, run for 1 tick before jumping again. Used for some specific jumps where it's better than jumping immediately,

or when the momentum doesn't allow the player to jump immediately.

Note: "semi-hh" refers to the use of jam or jump jam in cases where accidentally performing them one tick late (hh or jump hh) timing is not detrimental.

Essential Timings

Name (Aliases) Description Notes
Force Momentum


Perform a jam or jump jam without sprinting.

Press Sprint 1 tick later, keep holding Jump.

Used as a simple 1bm strat, where you start from the back.

Can easily do jumps like 4b, and is very consistent

Carpet 4.5


Perform a jam or jump jam without sprinting.

Press Sprint 4 ticks later, do a 1t run before jumping again.

More complicated than a force momentum, but goes further.

The name refers to its original use: 1bm 4+0.4375.

Depending on the momentum, you could press Sprint sooner or later.


  • 1bm 3+1 is possible with only running from the back (7t timing).
  • 1bm 4b is possible with only running from the back (7t timing) if you first do a tap (preferably 4).
  • Backwalled 1bm 4b is possible with only running from the back (5t timing) if you first do a tap (preferably 3).
  • Performing a jam on 2bm overjumps the momentum by a small amount. To correct that, you could start jumping at a ~10° angle. A more advanced strat involves sneaking backward, releasing S for 3 ticks, then releasing sneak and jamming forward (which goes further, but is obviously less consistent).
  • When gaining momentum under a 2-block ceiling (aka headhitter momentum), the ideal timing is to press jump every 3 ticks. When a trapdoor is added under the ceiling (becomes 1.8125bc), the ideal is to press jump every 2 ticks (10 times per second, which can be difficult to do consistently).