Vertical Movement Formulas
Jump Formula
The player's vertical speed is quite easy to calculate over the course of a jump:
If , is set to 0 instead (the player's height doesn't change for that tick)
In 1.9+, it's compared to 0.003 instead.
- isn't assigned a value because it has no importance. By convention, the 0th tick corresponds to the player's initial velocity before jumping.
- corresponds to the initial jump motion. It is increased by 0.1 per level of Jump Boost
- Jump height is slightly higher in 1.9 due to the momentum threshold being reduced (old=1.249, new=1.252)
- Terminal velocity is -3.92 m/t
- When the player collides vertically with a block, vertical momentum is cancelled and only the acceleration is left.
Jump duration
- The duration of a jump is the number of ticks between jumping and landing.
- It also corresponds to the period of that jump's cycle when performed repeatedly.
- This notion is linked to the notion of Tiers.
Description Duration Flat Jump 12 t 3bc Jump 11 t +0.5 Jump 10 t +1 Jump 9 t 2.5bc Jump 6 t 2bc Jump 3 t 1.8125bc Jump 2 t
Source code
from EntityLivingBase
/* Code unrelated to vertical movement is cut out */ protected float getJumpUpwardsMotion(){ return 0.42F; } protected void jump() { this.motionY = this.getJumpUpwardsMotion(); if (this.isPotionActive(Potion.jump)) { this.motionY += (this.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.jump).getAmplifier() + 1) * 0.1F; } this.isAirBorne = true; } public void moveEntityWithHeading(float strafe, float forward) { ... /* also moves the player horizontally */ this.motionY -= 0.08; this.motionY *= 0.98; } public void onLivingUpdate() { if (this.jumpTicks > 0) --this.jumpTicks; if (Math.abs(this.motionY) < 0.005D) this.motionY = 0.0D; if (this.isJumping) { ... /* different if in water or lava */ if (this.onGround && this.jumpTicks == 0) { this.jump(); this.jumpTicks = 10; //activate autojump cooldown (0.5s) } } else { this.jumpTicks = 0; //reset autojump cooldown } ... this.moveEntityWithHeading(this.moveStrafing, this.moveForward); }